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Fellowship Groups

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Joy Fellowship

Group of energetic young parents with children mostly under second grade of elementary school. We grow up together in the Lord, love and support one another in life. There are usually organized activities for the children as the adults also fellowship together.

Grace Fellowship

A group of older brothers and sisters. We love each other like family and are full of grace. In terms of God’s words, whether they are leading or sharing, brother and sisters actively prepare and participate on time. Quotes from group members: "Daily spiritual food is on time”, “Pray for the Lord’s presence every day, Hope to be in the Lord always", "Grace fellowship, there are countless graces."

Renew Fellowship

Most of our children have entered junior high school and high school. We study the Bible together every week, and have fellowship every month. We have many fellowship activities
especially outdoor activities.

Agape Fellowship

Most of our children have enter high school. We study the Bible together every week, and also have fellowship activities. There is prayer time every week, and we constantly pray for one another.

Mount Carmel Fellowship

​We are a group where most of the our children are adults, or have already married. We study the Bible together every week and have fellowship. We care for and support each other.

Cantonese Fellowship

We are a group of brothers and sisters who study the word of God in Cantonese. Food is indispensable during fellowship. Friday Bible study is relaxing and enjoyable, but also very serious. Brothers and sisters agree to participate in church activities and serve in various ministries, as well as love each other.

Blessed meal fellowship: This is a group of brothers and sisters who work in a Chinese restaurant. They are usually very busy and have different rest time, but they share spiritual food in the group every day.


English fellowship: This is a group of brothers and sisters who are predominantly English speaking. We meet once a month to study the word together and live life alongside one another. 

 Greensboro Chinese Christian Church

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