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Mfuge Mission camp 2025



Ownership is a powerful thing. When something is yours, it becomes immediately more important to you than something that is not yours. At a point in your faith journey, you must step from a borrowed faith that may seem repetitive and flat into a full, vibrant faith that is your own. The source of our faith is Jesus, the true Light of the world. Once we have accepted salvation, we ignite our faith by living it out. We fuel our faith by growing in our relationship with Christ and living in relationship with a community of believers around us. Once we have experienced the Light, we must let it shine as we share it with others.  Join us for FUGE Camps 2025 as you seek to move into the Light and own your faith!


“We no longer believe because of what you said, since we have heard for ourselves and know that this really is the Savior of the world.” 

John 4:42


June 16 - 21, 2025



North Greenville University, Tigerville, SC (Approximately 3 hrs drive)



Total Cost: $399

January 19th - $75 Deposit to hold your spot (non-refundable and non-transferable)

May 18th -Total balance due



Check payable to Greensboro Chinese Christian Church and write on memo 'student name -mfuge'

Submit to Joyce (secretary) or Pastor Shane





 Greensboro Chinese Christian Church

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